Example of a National Social Care Funding System

Every rich country has a problem with social care, and two of them have come up with potential solutions.

Long Term Social Care Solutions

Germany and Japan have developed comprehensive responses to an ageing population.

Germany introduced a mandatory long-term care insurance system in 1995. The scheme was designed to ensure that everyone got something, no one gets something for nothing and everyone puts something in. A compulsory levy is paid by workers with employers contributing 50%. Retired people pay in full.

Japan started a similar system in 2000. A national tax is paid by workers over 40.

Both solutions centralise funding and revenue, then pay out funds to be delivered locally.

Read more about these solutions here (pay wall may apply).


About Deckchair Care

Deckchair Care are an independent, privately-owned care agency. We look after the elderly in Cheshire and South Manchester.

Read more about our care service on our website here.

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