Elderly Home Care Workforce Not meeting Demand

Care agency service

The number of people working in care is not meeting the country’s growing care demands and unmet care needs are increasing, according to today’s report by the National Audit Office (NAO)

Care Worker Pay

“While many people working in care find it rewarding, there is widespread agreement that workers feel undervalued and there are limited opportunities for career progression, particularly compared with similar roles in health. In 2016-17, around half of care workers were paid £7.50 per hour or below (the National Living Wage was £7.20 in 2016-17), equivalent to £14,625 annually. This, along with tough working conditions and a poor image, prevents workers from joining and remaining in the sector.”

Homecare Workers

“There are around 1.34 million jobs in the adult social care sector in England, across more than 20,300 organisations1. The turnover rate of care staff has been increasing since 2012-13 and in 2016-17 reached 27.8%. The vacancy rate in 2016-17 for jobs across social care was 6.6%, which was well above the national average of 2.5%-2.7%.”

“However, demographic trends suggest that demand for care will continue to increase and people’s cares needs will continue to become more complex. To meet these challenges, the Department estimates that the workforce will need to grow by 2.6% every year until 2035.”

Better Rewards for Carers

Responding to the report, Debs Wilkinson of Home Care company Deckchair Care said “We are now starting to see the industry change to some of these recruitment challenges. Carers are doing some really important life-enhancing work and should be better rewarded and encouraged to stay in the industry.”

“Deckchair Care pay £10 per hour which would be a 33% pay rise for about half of the existing care workers. We also offer guaranteed hours, contracts, training, mileage allowance, holiday pay and pension contributions. Everything you would expect from every other industry in England.”

The government intends to publish a green paper on reforming care for older people by summer 2018.


Home Care Agency
Care Agency in Gatley, Cheadle

1There are around 1.34 million jobs in the adult social care sector in England. This excludes an estimated 145,000 jobs for personal assistants, employed by recipients of personal budgets and self-funders and 91,000 care jobs within the NHS.

Do you, or do you have an elderly relative currently receiving homecare?

Home much does home care cost

In our efforts to provide excellent homecare, we’d like to understand how people feel about the care they – or their relatives – currently receive.

Take Our Home Care Survey Now

We know there are some great agencies out there offering an excellent service. We’d like to understand what they are doing well and where we could all improve.

Deckchair Care’s objective is to offer excellent homecare.

To us, this means

  • Being reliable (turn up when we say),
  • Capable (being well trained and knowledgeable),
  • Friendly.

We have also identified communication as a current issue. For example, clients not knowing which carer is attending the next appointment; or relatives not being updated with what care is being provided.

Take Our Home Care Survey Now

We have developed a secure online system that allows carers, clients and relatives access to a centralised database. This holds details of upcoming appointments as well as the outcomes of previous ones. Relatives are telling us that they are finding it reassuring being notified when carers arrive and leave an appointment. Plus they get to read what has happened during a visit and any comments the carer makes.

Replacing the old paper-based system also saves time, meaning carers have more time to do what they are there for.

Please take a couple of minutes to tell us about the home care service you have experienced.

Take Our Home Care Survey Now


The Deckchair Care Team

Local Care Agencies – Where We Work

care agency in stockport

Deckchair Care is a domiciliary home care company working in and around the Cheadle area. We also operate in the following postcodes areas: SK7, SK8 and SK9. Find out more about where we work here.

We do have a couple of exceptions, for example, we have a couple of clients up the road in Sale and one as far down as Alderley Edge.

Local Care Agencies

On the whole, we try to keep our client base centralised and work in and around Cheadle, Wilmslow and Cheadle-Hulme.

This helps us to keep our carers travel time to a minimum and provide a more efficient service to our clients.

Deckchair Care was primarily set up to help people, if we can get to you and provide assistance, then we will try our best to accommodate your requirements. So even if you are outside of our core area, please feel free to get in touch for a chat.



Local Care Agencies
Deckchair Care – Home Care Agency

Senior Home Care – Deckchair Care

elderly care

Deckchair care provides specialist Senior home care in the following areas:

  • Gatley
  • Cheadle
  • Wilmslow
  • Cheadle-Hulme
  • Heald Green
  • + more

We have just recruited additional staff to support our senior care service over Christmas and into the New Year.

We are open 7am – 10pm, 365 days of the year.

If you are looking for help caring for your loved ones, then please feel free to get in touch.

See our main website for more www.deckchaircare.co.uk


Getting Ready for Christmas

Care Agency Cheadle


It has been a busy first few weeks at Deckchair Care. We have just recruited our first employee (more about that in the few weeks) and have had a number of applications that we are hoping will start in the new year.

We are also continuing to have meetings with new people needing help looking after elderly relatives.

We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to our new care agency. It seems that there is a significant number of people needing help looking after elderly relatives.

Mostly we are talking to people between 40 – 60 who are looking for help for their parents. These are usually people living in Gatley, Heald Green, Cheadle or Wilmslow. But we have also had interest from much further away. People are really struggling to find high quality, consistent, reliable care for their parents.

Taking Care at Christmas

Christmas is a key time for the care sector. It is a time that families to get together and discuss what the best way is support and care for elderly relatives. It is also a busy time with the need for support not stopping because of the date. We are open 365 days of the year 7am – 10pm and will be open all over the festive period.

Winter also means falling temperatures, we should all do what we can to keep an eye out for elderly or vulnerable neighbours!

Getting the Word Out

In time for the festive period, we have produced some leaflets that we will be distributing in the next few weeks. We have also started advertising locally on Google and Facebook. However, word of mouth remains the best form of marketing, so if you know anyone looking for a local care agency, please point them in our direction!

Recent clients have commented to us that having access to the Deckchair portal – with real-time emails when our carers arrive and leave an appointment – is adding an extra level of reassurance. They know the people they care about are being well looked after!

If you have a relative that you would like to support with private home care, please feel free to get in touch by emailing icare@deckchaircare.co.uk or call 0161 327 2894.

Have a good Christmas!

Debs x

First Couple of Weeks and New Clients

trips out

Hello, really fast and interesting start to Deckchair Care.

Firstly, our tracking and communication systems are now live. This means you, or your relatives can keep up-to-date in real time with everything that happens regards a care package.

Secondly, last week was a busy schedule of meetings with potential new clients. We are pleased to say that we have already signed up, and started providing care for, our first clients!

Finally, our new marketing literature is nearly ready, we are producing some A5 leaflets and business cards to help spread the word about our new and innovative care services.

Care Services

If you have relatives in the area that are looking for care, then please get in touch to discuss how we can provide top quality, private home care.


Debs x

CQC Approval and Launch!

Deckchair Care - Home Care Agency

It’s been an exciting week or so at Deckchair. We received notification that our application to the CQC had been approved, meaning we can start taking on clients!

We also officially launched our new website and started spreading the news across social media.

After that, we very quickly started receiving enquiries from people looking for our care services! All of which means that we are now also looking for experienced carers to join our team. If you are interested take a look at our recruitment page.

Thanks everyone for your support and take a look at our new Facebook page (feel free to like and share to spread the word!)


Hello and Welcome

Welcome to the Deckchair Care Blog!

This is where we will keep you updated with all things new and interesting, local or national.

We have recently met with the Care Quality Commission and have submitted our final documents in support of our application. We are now waiting to see if they will authorise us to operate our care agency.

Hopefully, we’ll be operational in a few weeks !

