Deckchair Care

Enriching the ageing experience ..

  1. Home Care Agency

Starting with Home Care

How to arrange at home care

Homecare is often the first choice when people decide they need assistance to continue leading an independent life at home. Many people decide to use homecare as an alternative to moving into a warden-controlled property or care home.

DeckChair Care are based in Gatley, Cheadle and offer care at home throughout South Manchester and East Cheshire.

We have been operating since 2017 and have completed over 20,000 appointments with a team of around 20 carers (Feb 2020).

Having a Chat

We find the best way to approach care is to have a chat. We have experience of a wide range of client circumstances. Some just like a visit once a week to go shopping. Others are suffering from dementia and need several visits per day. Nothing is new to us and we work very closely with relatives to ensure we a providing the appropriate care for our clients.

So, first step, a chat. Who are we talking to, what are the circumstances and when can we come and meet to discuss how we can help. We always want to meet in clients in their homes to find out about them, how we can help and what kind of support they are looking for.


At this initial meeting will be either Debs, Charlotte or Bev - our core care management team. This is an informal meeting, we don't ask people to sign contracts or take any payment. We are fact finding to establish if/how Deckchair can help and introduce ourselves to clients to meake sure they understand what it is we do and who we are. We'll obviously also discuss costs, schedules and availability.

After this initial meeting, if the care is going to proceed, we'll put together a list of information we need to ensure we comply with the CQC requirements - which also ensures we can provide safe, effective care. We will also confirm the care package that we will deliver (days, times, durations and tasks to be completed), how much it will cost and when we will start. We'll also provide a copy of our terms and conditions.

If everyone is in agreement, we will then start to introduce a core care team to our new client.

Read our blog for more help and advice:

Home Care FAQs

Looking after elderly relatives from a distance

Deckchair Care Team
The Deckchair Care managers (credit K Nelson)

Click to read some of our client reviews ..

Find out more, call us 01613272894, fill out the below form or email us at